Advanced payment

Payment options for 7 days in advance
Written by E-chat Support
Updated 4 months ago

You can pay for your number in advance. This means that the number will continue to work and you will have 7 days to pay the rate. When you pay, we will calculate the number of days used in advance. If no payment is received within 7 days after activating in advance, the option to pay in advance will be disabled.

This feature is convenient if you need a little more time to pay for the tariff than you have left until the end of the tariff, so that you don't lose messages and clients.

To pay in advance - you need to go to the Payment section - Payment in advance, tick the checkbox next to the number to which you want to add 7 days and press the activation button.

Activation of a number in advance for 7 days is available only for activated numbers 1 time after the test period or every time after payment.
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